Tuesday, September 30, 2008

so i went to the ortho the day before my birthday to get the broken wire fixed. he ended up not putting in a new wire (yes!) and actually clipped the other side of it in the same spot where it broke on the other side (between the first bicuspid and the big gap) so not only was i not sore, but now i have less places for food to get stuck! I have noticed a little more tooth movement but i really can't wait to have the gaps close up and make room for some other teeth that haven't moved yet.

It will be awhile before i put up any more pics....i have to send my computer in to get the motherboard replaced...ugh.

Pretty excited about going to Washington DC this saturday! and...girls next door premier Sunday...holllaaaaaaaa

Thursday, September 18, 2008

bad orthodontic patient...

so my wire broke today, as i bit into an egg salad sandwhich on wheat. i didn't even have anything hard for breakfast, i had oatmeal and a sliced banana! so anyway, first the little clear tube that covers the wire came off and before i could think "what is this" the wire starts flopping around in my mouth! it snapped right after my first bicuspid, infront of the extraction. so since the wire is kinked in the back i couldn't pull forward to get it out, so i had to pull it out the back, which let me tell was extremely difficult since my 2nd molar is jammed up against the back of my mouth. it was especially gross trying to do this with reminents of egg salad still in my mouth...bleh.

so anyway i'm going tuesday to get a new wire.....i hope its not painful for a couple days like when the wire got put it because wednesday is my birthday!!! but in a way i kinda hope i get new wires on the top and bottom so my teeth start moving more, and they really have to do something to start closing up these extraction sites! i have barely any tooth surface to bite down on (because my molars have a cross bite and the front teeth dont' meet because of the open bite) so chewing and biting is pretty uncomfortable, and large pieces of food are constantly getting stuck in the extraction sites.

i def dont' remember braces being this difficult as a child! and to think of it, i really dont' remember running off to brush my teeth every time i ate something as a kid. did having food stuck in my teeth not bother me? and to top it all off, i had ZERO cavities the whole first time i had braces. guarantee i have like 7 next time i go to the dentist, which better not be till 2009 because as horizon informed today i have reached my dental maximum for the year. working for the government full time has such a great benefits package! (just had a $647.80 dental bill for extractions and one filling).

speaking of horizon, i nearly had a heart attack today! i got my orthodontic explination of benefits and it says its covering nothing! now i called up before this ordeal, as did my orthodontists office and they ensured coverage. the lady on the phone told me the claim my ortho sent in was "illegible". yeah...ok. more phone calls tomorrow...yay.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

i'm so sick of brushing my teeth!

sorry, its really hard to keep up with a blog while school is going on! while labor day weekend the braces went to AC to meet the girls next door:



danielle! the new gf (once i get boobs and the braces off)

so except for places you get carded at the door, i haven't been getting carded with the braces!

in tooth news i feel like my bathroom sink is going to clog with the huge chunks of food i'm constantly spitting out! i like using my smart rinse after i brush and floss though, cause then it tints all the particles/clumps that are left behind and i can brush again!

so i went to an american constitutional society meeting at school the other day (shhh dont' tell anyone...). i went for the free pizza..which brings me to my next point. my good liberal friend alerted me to the fact that there was delicious vegtable pizza there, after i had already grabbed a plain slice. no prob, i just grabbed a veggie piece too (after all the meeting was sparsly attended, see liberalism is out!). so as i'm walking to my seat with the veggie delite, i have a though, which i express to my friend "umm i just realized all theses little chopped up veggies are going to get stuck in my braces" and he just goes "yup" and keeps eating. mm good times. i took out my mirror afterwards and unsurreptitiously picked out the food (after all it was only liberals there) and got the main pieces out. wasn't so bad.

so some of my teeth started moving slightly when i got the wires put it but they've been at a stand still. my two front teeth straighted out but the next tooth over is still very much behind the front tooth. i can't wait to have the gap from my extrations start closing up (after next appointment when ig et the equipment) cause its really hard to chew with them and foot keeps getting stuck back there...ugh.