Thursday, September 11, 2008

i'm so sick of brushing my teeth!

sorry, its really hard to keep up with a blog while school is going on! while labor day weekend the braces went to AC to meet the girls next door:



danielle! the new gf (once i get boobs and the braces off)

so except for places you get carded at the door, i haven't been getting carded with the braces!

in tooth news i feel like my bathroom sink is going to clog with the huge chunks of food i'm constantly spitting out! i like using my smart rinse after i brush and floss though, cause then it tints all the particles/clumps that are left behind and i can brush again!

so i went to an american constitutional society meeting at school the other day (shhh dont' tell anyone...). i went for the free pizza..which brings me to my next point. my good liberal friend alerted me to the fact that there was delicious vegtable pizza there, after i had already grabbed a plain slice. no prob, i just grabbed a veggie piece too (after all the meeting was sparsly attended, see liberalism is out!). so as i'm walking to my seat with the veggie delite, i have a though, which i express to my friend "umm i just realized all theses little chopped up veggies are going to get stuck in my braces" and he just goes "yup" and keeps eating. mm good times. i took out my mirror afterwards and unsurreptitiously picked out the food (after all it was only liberals there) and got the main pieces out. wasn't so bad.

so some of my teeth started moving slightly when i got the wires put it but they've been at a stand still. my two front teeth straighted out but the next tooth over is still very much behind the front tooth. i can't wait to have the gap from my extrations start closing up (after next appointment when ig et the equipment) cause its really hard to chew with them and foot keeps getting stuck back there...ugh.

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